
Clase de flauta de pico del Conservatorio Superior de Música «Manuel Castillo» de Sevilla

Sevilla recorder class

Study recorder at Sevilla’s Superior conservatory

Interested in studying recorder at Conservatorio Superior de Música in Sevilla, Spain, with professor Vicente Parrilla? We welcome and supports students from all over the world.


In September 2018, we’ll be offering three vacancies for recorder students for the next academic course 2018-2019. For further information and help with the application and enrollment process, just contact us.

About us

Here’s some info about us and our academic planning; watch us here, and have a look at some of the articles we’ve posted so far (in Spanish).

Open day — April

An open day, usually held during the month of April, is a perfect opportunity to learn more about a study programme at Sevilla’s superior conservatory. You will be able to attend performances, concerts and exhibitions by students and meet the teachers.

Admission test

During the admission test you will be asked to perform three works in three different styles from the recorder repertory, from at least two differente centuries. For instance:

  • Contemporary, 18th c. Italy and 18th c. France
  • 17th c., 18th c. Italy and 16th c.
  • Contemporary, 17th c. and 15th c.
  • Any other combination including three differente styles from two centuries

At least one of the pieces must be performed by heart. You will also be asked to sight read a piece after a brief period of preparation. Applicants should bring their own accompanists, in case they are needed. However, it is not compulsory, since the focus will be on how you perform, rather than what or with whom. Finally, you will be asked to briefly analyse a piece.

That’s it!


Enrolment — Academic Course 2018-2019

¿Are you interested in studying recorder at Conservatorio Superior de Música in Sevilla, Spain, with professor Vicente Parrilla?

We’re offering two vacancies for recorder students for next academic year 2015-2016. For further information and help with the application and enrollment process, just contact us.

Clase de Flauta de pico del Conservatorio Sup. de Sevilla

Sevilla recorder class (+ Bob Marvin)